Hello Blessed Sacrament Family Guild Members,
With a vote of 29 in favor and 1 not in favor, the changes to the Bylaws proposed in the vote held from April 25 through May 4 of 2022 have passed.
The changes include:
-Changing the number of volunteers for the Nominating Committee from eighteen (18) to twenty (20) to reflect the addition of the Pre-K 3 classes.
-Changing the number of Family Guild Board Members from seven (7) to (6) to reflect the election of two incoming Co-Treasurers with each board as a result of the change in management of the HSA financial account.
-Noting the increase in dues as voted on and approved by the Executive Council at the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any Family Guild Board member, as all of our contact information is posted on the Family Guild page of the Blessed Sacrament Website.
We thank you, as always, for your continued support.
-The Family Guild Board